Check out my Resume
While I originally began my academic career studying Molecular Biology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, I have since found my true passion in Game Design and Production after attending the DigiPen Institute of Technology. I'm currently working as a Game Designer at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) on the Perceptual Reasoning and Interaction Research Group (PRIOR) team, helping advance computer Vision and machine learning research.
I specialize in rapid iteration prototyping of gameplay mechanics as well as level design. My focus lies particularly with the look, feel, and usability of how the mechanics translate from the game to the player. The feedback and emphasis on UI/UX is something I strongly believe in. Please check out my latest project, Toki: Time Trial, over here on my portfolio page.
I've had Studio Art training throughout my High School career, and as a College Student i have continued to expand my art training by studying sculpture, color theory, and many forms of digital art and graphic design. I'm by no means a professional artist, but the craft of being able to physical make something with one's own hands has always fascinated me. This sense of creation is something that has followed me through all disciplines in my life, be it game mechanics design, a doodle here and there, or music.
Starting with my Music background, I've had about 8 Years of classical piano training as well as 7 years of experience playing clarinet in Concert and Marching Bands. Music is a huge part of my life, and I have dabbled in musical composition, getting to know my way around MIDI input devices, recording and editing software, as well as notation software. I took it upon myself to make audio tracks for my past few Student Game Team Projects, all of which provided me the opportunity to express myself aurally in a way that only music can do.